Leaving my job. Should my 401(k)/HSA come with me?

Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash Before I answer, let’s take a quick Translation Timeout to make sure everyone understands the question. Leaving a job means you have to make a decision about what to do with your retirement account. You usually have three options: Leave it where it is (but there might be a minimum balance … Read more

Should I invest while paying off debt?

That is black and white thinking in a nuanced conversation because you can do two things at once: build wealth and pay off debt. This question is so frustrating to me! Certain folks in the personal finance community preach that you have to achieve debt freedom before you start the next phase of building wealth and working … Read more

Auditing your financial life

Here’s something I’ve never shared with you: I’m a procrastinator. A big time procrastinator. Snoozing the morning alarm. Waiting until I’m right against a deadline to complete a project. And I perpetually reschedule reminders on my phone to ding me tomorrow. One of the most egregious ways I procrastinate is canceling subscriptions, especially if I’m … Read more

8 Cheapest Family Cell Phone Plans

Nowadays, a family cell phone plan can include anyone from your kids to your parents to your best friend.  Finding the cheapest family cell phone plan is important regardless of who you include in your plan. Family plans with major cell phone carriers can cost $60, $70, or more per month, per line, depending on … Read more

Don’t Cut Coffee, Cut This Instead

Ever wonder why it’s popular to slam on buying coffee? It’s because of David Bach’s The Latte Factor. In The Latte Factor, we learn that everyday little purchases can add up. If you buy a $5 cup of coffee every day, you’ll spend $1,825 in a year. Invest it at 8% return each year and … Read more

Best Solo 401(k) Providers

A solo 401(k) lets a business owner and their spouse set aside funds for retirement. Also known as an individual 401(k) or self-employed 401(k)—a solo 401(k) can provide more flexibility than other self-employed retirement plans due to its generous contribution limits and lenient minimum qualifications. Like an employer-sponsored 401(k) or an individual retirement account (IRA), … Read more

How to File Back Taxes for Free 

You can file your tax returns for free if you have a simple tax situation. That includes W-2 income up to a certain dollar amount and limited interest and dividend income. If you exceed the limits or have more a more complicated income and expense situation, you will likely need to pay a fee for … Read more